What you can expect in our Taekwon-do classes
Training with us, you will find that you’ll be in a very friendly environment with the emphasis being ‘Family’.
You will notice many parents training along with their children which works very well when the child
needs help at home learning terminology for his/her grading tests.
Training normally consists of a gentle warm up slowly getting more strenuous as the lesson progresses. If you just want to get fit Taekwon-do is the perfect way to get in shape.
The adult class runs in conjunction with the Children’s class.
For those that wish to grade and progress through the belts; techniques, patterns and theory are taught from white through to black belt. We teach ITF style Taekwon-do from the BUTF syllabus.
Training fees
- First session free!
- Members: Pay monthly or per session
Families receive a heavily discounted rate for their training fees.
New members will need to purchase an annual BUTF license that covers you for insurance at training, gradings and competitions.
Colour belt gradings will take place at the dojangs at regular points in the year so students can progress up
Taekwon-do belts to the coveted BUTF Black Belt.
If you wish to grade, further details are available from your instructor.
The BUTF hold bi-annual Black Belt grading tests for advanced students wishing to progress through the Dan grades.
The BUTF hosts 2 Taekwon-do championships every year, the BUTF Cup and the BUTF British Championships.
Students can compete in these tournaments in sparring, patterns and destruction. Black Belts assist with the running
of the tournaments by refereeing and adjudicating throughout the day.
Students are encouraged to take part in tournaments as competing brings the following benefits:
- Be part of the club team
- Increased confidence and experience
- Chance to demonstrate and learn TKD skills in public environment
- Meet TKD students and instructors from other clubs
- Win trophies and medals